The wine produced on this property reflects the essence of the land and supports our belief that great wine is grown in the vineyard.
Organic viticulture aims to sustain and enhance the fertility and life-supporting ability of the soil by not using chemical fertilisers and sprays.
The health of the land for the long-range production of quality wine and olive oil is the goal of our organic process.
Kennedy Point is fully certified by Organic Farms N.Z. as of August 2010, an organic certification program designed for small producers. In November 2015, Kennedy Point Vineyards was fully certified by BioGrow New Zealand.
Our wines are fermented with wild yeast, which enhances the complexity and unique qualities of each wine, which reflects the terroir of the vineyard.
Kennedy Point Vineyard (KP) was established in 1996. Our first harvest was in 1999, from the home vineyard. We now manage five properties on the island. All to our exacting standards and Biogro Organic regulations.
We are Waiheke’s only certified organic vineyard. We believe organic management is the best way to maintain the health and well-being of our land and the animals that call it home. It is a great environment to work too!
We aim to make wine that expresses the unique environment it is produced – the Terroir, if you like. We believe organic management provides the clearest, unadulterated path to this expression.
KP also dabbles in Biodynamics. We have two Highland cattle who are central to this, Jessie and Kyla McMoo. Biodynamic practices embrace the lunar cycle and a holistic approach to the land and production.
Our small team of wine lovers and Waiheke’s unique environment converge to grow award-winning wine. And our principles of organic production ensure this beautiful land will flourish for generations to come.